You can help to collect the data and information that will improve our understanding of Scotland’s environment by taking part in a ‘citizen science’ project.  Or you can get involved in ‘citizen action’ projects that help to protect and improve our environment.  Project finder helps you find the activity you would like to get involved in. If you would like to add a project to our list, Contact Us.

BeeWalk.jpg Find out more
Bee Walk Survey Scheme
Biological Recording Find out more
Biological recording in the Outer Hebrides
Razorbill Find out more
Glencoe Find out more
Bog squad
Insh Marshes Find out more
Cairngorms Scenic Photo Posts
Cairngorms Nature Find out more
Cairngorms volunteering
Field survey Find out more
Field survey
Guided walk at Rhenigidale Find out more
Skinworks Cauld Find out more
Gala Waterways Group
Jill Packenham Find out more
Gardenwatch - BTO
Great British Beach Clean Find out more
Great British beach clean
Gunnera Eradication Find out more
Gunnera eradication
Lichen project Find out more
Lichen air quality survey
Our Volunteer Rangers Find out more
Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park volunteering
UK Trythall School 2012 Find out more
Manual work and contruction volunteers
National Plant Monitoring Scheme Find out more
National plant monitoring scheme
Predatory Bird Monitoring Scheme Find out more
Predatory bird monitoring scheme
Rainfall Find out more
Rainfall observers
Roost count Find out more
Roost count
Saving red squirrels Find out more
Saving Scotlands red squirrels
Ruchill CS 13.9 (2) Find out more
Scotland counts
“Pulling invasive Himalayan balsam” - © Ewen Weatherspoon Find out more
Scottish invasive species initiative
Scottish Marine Animal Stranding Scheme Find out more
Scottish marine animal stranding scheme
Speckled wood butterfly Find out more
Scottish speckled wood survey
Silurian Find out more
Big Pond Dip Find out more
Spawn Survey
Sunset/Sunrise Survey Find out more
Sunset/sunrise survey
Lapwing Find out more
The breeding bird survey
The Great Nurdle Hunt Find out more
The great nurdle hunt
TreeZilla Find out more
The monster map of trees
Ducks Find out more
The wetland bird survey
SNH Volunteering Find out more
Volunteering with NatureScot
Arrochar Walk Find out more
Walk in the park
Waterway Survey Find out more
Waterway survey
Weather Observations Website Find out more
Weather observations website (WOW)
Comet Find out more
Whale Track
Butterfly Find out more
Wider countryside butterfly survey
Turtle Find out more
Wildlife sightings scheme