Maps, data, resources and useful links about Scotland’s environment, for use in the classroom – all of which have been carefully matched with Curriculum for Excellence levels and National Qualifications.
Learn about the quality of the air around us, and how it is affected by pollutants released into the atmosphere through human activities, such as transport and industry, as well as from natural sources.
Learn about how the industries and processes we rely on are the main source of greenhouse-gas emissions, which are causing an increase in the Earth's temperature.
Scotland has some of the toughest renewable energy targets in the world to meet our climate change targets. Learn about how much energy Scotland produces and how it is generated.
Learn about why Scotland’s land is a fundamental asset. We grow food and timber on it; we build our houses and roads over it; and it supports a range of habitats and species.
Transport choices make a significant difference to global carbon emissions. Learn about the environmental impacts of different transportation options, and the health implications of our transport choices.
Aquaculture is a growing and important industry in Scotland. Learn about the condition of our freshwater and sea, and what you can do to help improve its quality and protect wildlife and habitats.